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Middle East and Africa A Rapid Assessment of the Middle East Crisis: Latest Developments in Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Upload Date 2023-10-12 Hits 939
On October 12, 2023, the Department of Strategic Regions Studies of the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS) of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA) invited experts for a rapid assessment of the Middle East Crisis to share insights on latest developments in Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 

IFANS and outside experts made a presentation and discussed prospects and implications of Hamas’ Attacks on Israel.

The list of participants: Senior Executive Director LEE Moon-hee of the IFANS; Director-General IN Nam-sik of the Department of Strategic Region Studies (IFANS/KNDA); Director-General CHOI Wooseon of the Department of International Security and Unification Studies (IFANS/KNDA); and Professor LEE Keun-wook at Sogang University.

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