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1. Trump’s Calculations: Immediately after the Inauguration 2. Kim Jong Un’s Calculations: Immediately after Trump’s Inauguration3. Challenges after Resumed Nuclear Negotiations?4. Conclusion
1. Terms and Conditions of the Ceasefire2. Background of Accepting the Negotiation3. The Involvement of the U.S.4. Implications and Outlook
1. Outlook for U.S. National Security Strategy 2. Outlook for China Policy3. Korea’s Policy
Ⅰ. Political Landscape on the Korean PeninsulaⅡ. Political Landscape of Major PowersⅢ. Political Landscape in the World’s Major RegionsⅣ. Global Issues and Governance
1. Trump 2.0 and the Republican Trifecta in 20252. Deportation of Illegal Immigrants, Control and War against Organized Crime, and Protectionist Trade Policy Reinforcement3. Return to Fossil Fuel-based Energy Security Policy and Its Impact on Latin America4. Side Effects and Conflicts Arising from Trump 2.0 Foreign Policy Toward Mexico 5. Potential Revival of Monroe Doctrine in 2025 and Conflicts over EU-MERCOSUR FTA6. Support of Hispanic Voters for Trump and Its Potential Reflection o
1. Trump and Russia-Ukraine Peace Talks2. Trump and America’s Global Alliance Network