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The 16th IFANS TALKS Upload Date 2017-06-29 Hits 1641


The Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS) of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA) hosted the ‘16th IFANS Talks’ on June 29, 2017.


The IFANS has hosted the IFANS talks since May 2013, and approximately 130 participants including the diplomatic delegation, college students, high school students, and the general public visited the IFANS for the 16th IFANS Talks.             




During the 16th IFANS Talks held from 14:30pm to 16:30pm, Ambassador for Public Diplomacy PARK Ennadelivered a presentation under the topic of ‘The Weight of a 10 gram Silk Scarf’, Director SUN Seung Hye of the Cultural Cooperation Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs lectured on ‘How Art Moves People’s Heart’, Professor SHIN Beom-chul presented on ‘The Political Landscape on the Korean Peninsula and the Direction of the Moon Jae-in Administration’s Security Strategy’ and Florist CHO Eun-young gave a presentation on ‘How to Realize and Protect My Dream’. The presentations were followed by a Q&A session. 

The video clip of the 16th IFANS Talks is uploaded on www.ifans.go.kr and http://www.youtube.com/kndalive.


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