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Closed-door Expert Seminar on “ROK-Japan-China Summit” Upload Date 2024-05-10 Hits 560
On May 10, 2024, the Center for Chinese Studies of the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS) of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA) convened a closed-door expert seminar on “The ROK-Japan-China Summit.”

During the meeting, keynote presentations were delivered on the significance of the ROK-Japan-China summit, the core strategies of the Republic of Korea, focal issues and risk management, diplomatic leverage and implementation plans, and follow-up tasks. Following the presentations, IFANS and outside experts engaged in open discussions.  

List of Participants:
KNDA Chancellor PARK Cheol Hee
Senior Executive Director LEE Moon Hee (IFANS/KNDA)
Director-General KIM Jonghan of the Department of Indo-Pacific Studies (IFANS/KNDA)
Director-General and Professor KIM Dok-ju of the Department of Global Governance Studies (IFANS/KNDA)
Professor JO Yanghyeon, Head of the Center for Japanese Studies (IFANS/KNDA)
Associate Professor KIM Han-kwon, Head of the Center for Chinese Studies (IFANS/KNDA)
Associate Professor HWANG Ildo, Head of the Center for Geopolitical Studies (IFANS/KNDA)
Professor JUN Hae-Won (IFANS/KNDA)
Assistant Professor PYO Nari (IFANS/KNDA)
Research Professors LEE Sang-sook, CHOI Jinbaek, YOON Sukjung, and JEONG Sangmi (IFANS/KNDA)
Researchers JEONG Hyeyeong, LEE Su hyun, PARK MYUNGA, and SHIN Seokyeong (IFANS/KNDA)
Professor KIM Jae Cheol at the Catholic University of Korea
H.E. SHIN Kak-Soo, Former ROK Ambassador to Japan
President SHIN Bong-il of the Korea Diplomatic Association
H.E. LEE Kyu-hyung, Former ROK ambassador to China
H.E. LEE Shinhwa, Ambassador for International Cooperation on North Korean Human Rights
Professor LEE Jipyeong at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Secretary-General CHO Yong-rae of the Korea-Japan Parliamentarians’ Union
Professor CHOO Jaewoo at Kyung Hee University
Dr. JIN Chang Soo, Former President of the Sejong Insitute
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