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Defense and Unification 2023 2nd IFANS Technology Security Diplomacy Seminar Upload Date 2023-12-06 Hits 818
The Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS) of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA) held the 2nd IFANS Technology Security Diplomacy Seminar on the theme of “Status and Regulatory Trends of Weaponization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Our Technological Security Strategy” on December 6, 2023.

Following its first seminar held last September, this seminar was jointly organized by the Department of International Security and Unification Studies and the Department of International Trade and Economic Security Studies of KNDA. The first session covered the military and security aspects of AI, while the second session focused on the technological security dimensions of AI through presentations and discussions.

List of Participants:
Senior Executive Director LEE Moon Hee of IFANS
Associate Professor LEE Hyo-young of the Department of International Trade and Economic Security Studies
Assistant Professor (Secretary) SONG Tae Eun of the Department of International Security and Unification Studies
Researchers KIM Jahee, LEE Bo Yan, KIM Sukyum, and Chang Hyoeun

Outside Participants
Technology Strategy Team Leader NA Ho-young at Nearthlab
Senior Research Fellow SUNG Kyung-mo at the Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI)
Professor CHO Gwan-haeng at the Republic of Korea Air Force Academy
Professor CHOI Kyung-jin at Gachon University
Research Fellow DOO Jin-ho at the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses (KIDA)
Reporter MOON Jae-yeon at Hankookilbo
Associate Research Fellow YOON Jung-hyun at the Institute for National Security Strategy (INSS)
Professor LEE Seung-joo at Chung-Ang University
Future Operations and Environment Analysis Officer CHOI Keun-dae at the ROK Army Training & Doctrine Command
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