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Annual Assessment Meeting on Chinese Political Landscape Upload Date 2023-12-07 Hits 907
On December 7, 2023, the Center for Chinese Studies of the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS) of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA) held its annual assessment meeting on the topic of “President Xi Jinping’s Third Term and China’s Political Landscape.”
The meeting was arranged to discuss and evaluate China’s political landscape in 2023 in various domains – politics, economy, military, and security. Participants also delved into the prospects for Chinese politics in 2024 based on the assessment and drew implications for ROK-China relations in 2024.


With Senior Executive Director LEE Moon Hee’s opening remarks, the meeting proceeded with three sessions - Chinese politics and North Korea-China relations, Chinese diplomacy and defense, and the Chinese economy and ROK-China relations. About 30 eminent experts participate in the conference including: Senior Executive Director LEE Moon Hee of the IFANS; H.E. SHIN Jung-seung, former Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to China; Director-General KIM Jonghan of the Department of Indo-Pacific Studies (IFANS/KNDA); Professor KIM Han-kwon of the Department of Indo-Pacific Studies (IFANS/KNDA); Professor KANG Jun-young at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies; Professor SHIN Jong-ho at Hanyang University; Professor LEE Jung-nam at Korea University; H.E. JUN Jae-man, former Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Thailand; and Professor CHOI Eun-kyung at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.
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