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Defense and Unification The 1st 2024 KNDA Open Policy Dialogue Upload Date 2024-04-05 Hits 476
On April 5~6, 2024, the Department of International Security and Unification Studies of the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS) of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA) inaugurated the 1st KNDA Open Policy Dialogue at Gangneung’s Lakai Sandpine Resort, addressing the theme of “Recent Escalation of Tensions by North Korea: Outlook and Responses.”

The dialogue was convened to analyze North Korea's intention regarding its recent declaration of a shift in inter-Korean relations and the potential for future local and strategic provocations by North Korea, as well as to discuss the strengthening of ROK-U.S. extended deterrence and responses in terms of international law.

More than twenty participants attended including experts from KNDA's Department of International Security and Unification Studies, as well as from the government, media, and academia in South Korea.
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