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IFANS-CICIR Expert Roundtable Upload Date 2024-05-22 Hits 280
On May 22, 2024, the Center for Chinese Studies of the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS) of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA) held an expert roundtable on the occasion of the visit of experts from the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR).

IFANS and CICIR experts had in-depth discussions on the topics of the prospects for North Korea-China relations and the direction of the ROK government’s foreign policy after the general election. Following the opening remarks by representatives from both sides, there was an open discussion among the participants.
List of Participants:
Vice President ZHANG Jian (CICIR)
Executive Director LI Dong of the Center for Eurasian Studies (CICIR)
Executive Director CHEN Xiangyang of the Center for Korean Peninsula Studies (CICIR)
Director Cheng Hongliang of the Center for People-to-People Exchanges Studies (CICIR)
Researcher WANG Jie of the Department of International Exchanges (CICIR)
Section Chief CHO Seong-joon at the Institute for National Security Strategy (INSS)
Senior Executive Director LEE Moon Hee (IFANS/KNDA)
Director-General KIM Jonghan of the Department of Indo-Pacific Studies (IFANS/KNDA)
Director-General CHOI Wooseon of the Department of International Security and Unification Studies (IFANS/KNDA)
Professor CHOE Wongi, Head of the Center for ASEAN-Indian Studies (IFANS/KNDA)
Associate Professor KIM Han-kwon, Head of the Center for Chinese Studies (IFANS/KNDA)
Assistant Professor PYO Nari (IFANS/KNDA)
Research Professors LEE Sang-sook and CHOI Jinbaek (IFANS/KNDA)
Researchers SON Do Hee, PARK MYUNGA, SHIN Seokyeong, and SUH Kyuhyeong (IFANS/KNDA)

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