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IFANS Focus Taiwan’s 2024 Presidential Election: Results and Implications for Cross-Strait Relations PYO Nari Upload Date 2024-02-14 Hits 1276
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1. Taiwan’s 2024 Presidential Election: Overview, Developments and Results
2. Outlook for Cross-Strait Relations after Taiwan’s 2024 Presidential Election
3. Prospects for the Post-election Geopolitical Landscape of East Asia
4. Policy Recommendations for Korea

The 16th presidential election of Taiwan, officially the Republic of China (ROC), was held on January 13, 2024. Despite the country’s relatively small voting-eligible population of approximately 19.5 million, the election drew much global attention due to its significance as the first election held in East Asia in 2024. Moreover, several factors, including Taiwan’s geopolitical significance, the issue of stabilizing the semiconductor supply chain, and the preservation of democratic ideology and values, also came into play in this year’s closely watched election. Taiwan held presidential and parliamentary elections simultaneously with the 11th Legislative Yuan (立法院, National Assembly) election also held on January 13. This allows for a comprehensive assessment of the stability of the incoming administration through the newly elected president’s promises and the composition of the legislature. Against this backdrop, this paper aims to briefly summarize the results of Taiwan’s 16th presidential election, examine the key policy pledges of major candidates, explore crucial issues at stake, and speculate on the potential impact of the election results on cross-strait relations and the Northeast Asian geopolitical landscape.

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