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IFANS PERSPECTIVES China's Response and Outlook on the 2023 North Korea-Russia Summit: China's Concerns about North Korea-China-Russia Cooperation KIM Han-kwon Upload Date 2024-01-03 Hits 1581
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1. Introduction   
2. Context and Assessment of the September 13 North Korea-Russia Summit
3. China's Response
4. Conclusion: Outlook for the Third Term of Xi Jinping's Leadership regarding North Korea Policy

On September 13, 2023, the North Korea-Russia summit was held at the Vostochny Cosmodrome space center in Amur Oblast, Russia. The Kim Jong Un-Putin summit on September 13 gained significant attention with regard to cooperation among North Korea, China and Russia as well as a potential alignment among the ROK, U.S., and Japan versus that of North Korea, China, and Russia in the region, not only amid strengthening North Korea-Russia bilateral relations but also strengthening ROK-U.S.-Japan trilateral cooperation in the Northeast Asian region. In particular, some analyses suggested that before and after the September 13 North Korea-Russia summit, Russia could transfer technology related to satellite and nuclear-powered submarine to North Korea, current issues of which are also sensitive in the context of the U.S.-ROK alliance and ROK-U.S.-Japan trilateral cooperation.
Against this backdrop, this article aims to explore China's foreign policy implications and responses, and future prospects for North Korea-China relations, considering the outcome of the September 13 North Korea-Russia summit, as seen from China’s perspective. Particularly, China's response is expected to be a crucial factor in predicting the potential emergence of an alignment among the ROK-U.S.-Japan versus North Korea-China-Russia in the Northeast Asian region, within the context of U.S.-China strategic competition. For this, this article provides an assessment of the September 13 North Korea-Russia summit and an outline of China's official position. Furthermore, this article seeks to present China's stance regarding North Korea's assertion of a neo-Cold War era in international relations and a potential alignment among the ROK-U.S.-Japan versus North Korea-China-Russia, as well as to assess prospects for North Korea-China relations.

* Attached File #China #NorthKorea #Russia #ChinaNKRelations #NKRussiaSummit
IFANS PERSPECTIVES 2024-01E(김한권).pdf
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