About Us
Greetings from the IFANS Senior Executive Director

LEE Moon Hee Welcome to the official website of the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS).
The IFANS’ contribution to Korean diplomacy dates back to its initial establishment as the Research Institute of Foreign Affairs (RIFA) in 1965. Over the past decades, the IFANS has evolved as Korea’s top government-funded think tank in the foreign and national security policymaking sphere through rigorous, evidence-based research.
The IFANS’ research efforts are aimed at generating well-calibrated policy ideas for the Korean government’s mid to long-term foreign policy and strategies with better deliberations, and providing timely policy recommendations on a full range of emerging foreign policy issues of our time.
With our policy-relevant research publications and extensive network of professionals spread across various research institutes, the IFANS strives to further our audiences’ understanding of Korea’s foreign policy and support the Korean government’s efforts at encouraging public engagement and participation in Korean diplomacy.
The IFANS will support the Korean government’s drive to uphold shared values and advance national interest as a ‘global pivotal state’ based on our scholars’ sound thinking and analyses on critical issues. Your interest in our work will always be appreciated.