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IFANS FOCUS Dissecting the 2024 Indonesian Presidential Election: Key Takeaways from the Election Results and Policy Implications CHO Won Deuk 발행일 2024-04-12 조회수 14252
페이스북 트위터 카카오톡

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1. The 2024 Indonesian Presidential Election: The Election Process and Results
2. Outlook for Indonesia’s Foreign Policy under Prabowo’s Leadership
3. Policy Implications for the Republic of Korea

On February 14, 2024, Indonesia held its presidential election, marking the fifth such election since the country’s transition to direct presidential elections in 2004. Indonesia, situated over 4,300 kilometers away from South Korea, has garnered significant attention from the international community due to its emerging role as a pivotal global swing state amidst the strategic competition between the United States and China. As the sole G20 member in Southeast Asia and the world’s largest Muslim-majority nation with a population exceeding 280 million, Indonesia’s democratic processes hold substantial global significance.
Of particular interest is Indonesia’s emergence as a potential hub for critical minerals and supply chains, coupled with its robust economic growth potential. Against the backdrop of mounting concerns regarding economic security and supply chain resilience in recent years, the election process in Indonesia garners significant attention from the international community as the country evolves into a pivotal international player.

* Attached File
IFANS FOCUS 2024-02E (조원득).pdf
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